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Why Adults Should Play With Slime

Us grown-ups may take one look at the squishy, sticky toy and feel like we grew out of it or are too old to play with it after missing out on a "slime phase." However, it's a common misconception that slime is exclusively for kids!

Take our founder & CEO, Jungmin Kang, as an example: She started making her own slime and ASMR videos at a young age, starting her business at 13 years old! Now running a business full-time out of her slime warehouse in Austin, TX, she and her team continue to use slime as a tool for work-life balance.

A Satisfying Break from a Busy World

It's easy to feel tethered to screens and devices and daunting to break away from social media. That’s where slime comes into play—it's a screen-free diversion that offers a break from digital overload.

The therapeutic aspect to playing with slime is keeping your sense busy with textures, sounds, and (sometimes) scents. Slime ASMR triggers can be incredibly soothing, providing a way to de-stress and unwind after a long day or week of hard work.

Replacing Bad Habits with Healthy Ones

Quitting bad habits is a challenge, especially habits that we use to pass the time. Often, quitting requires dedication, patience, and creative strategies. Unsurprisingly, playing with slime can serve as a helpful tool in the face of breaking and replacing bad habits.

Slime offers a healthy alternative to bad habits like nail-biting, excessive picking or over-snacking. Engaging with slime can relax and re-direct restless hands, offering a soothing distraction during moments of temptation. The tactile nature of slime can help channel nervous energy into a grounding activity, providing a sense of mindfulness and satisfaction without the harmful consequences of other common, bad habits.

Additionally, the act of decorating a slime can instill a sense of accomplishment, boosting self-esteem and reinforcing positive behaviors. Whether used as a mindfulness tool or a playful distraction, incorporating slime into daily routines can support any adult in their journey, one squish at a time.

Group or One-on-One Connections

We live in a fast-paced world where friendships can dwindle with time. It's crucial to find unique and enjoyable ways to connect with others. Although some might view slime as a children's toy, it actually presents a wonderful opportunity for adults to engage in creative and fun bonding activities.

Slime play can serve as a fantastic ice-breaker or team-building exercise among adults. Imagine organizing a slime-making workshop where friends, family members, or coworkers can gather to build and share slime. This activity encourages both collaboration and communication as participants can share the variety of stimulations that slime provides.

In a one-on-one setting, slime is also applicable for building connections between individuals on a deeper level. Mental health professionals have used slime as a therapy tool to incorporate sensory treatment during sessions!

Slime has a place in adult life. No matter what age we are, we can break down the the age stigma behind slime and show that it's has multiple purposes for fostering mindfulness, healthy habits, and deep interpersonal connections.

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